28.08.2024 The bildungswerk introduces: Marina Sorbello

Cultural producer, curator, author, systemic coach and since 2021 also healing practitioner for psychotherapy. After studying literature and art history at the Università di Siena, she has been working in Berlin since the late 1990s. As a curator, she has worked with numerous artists over the years and developed various art formats (exhibitions, publications, conferences, summer camps, seminars). She is one of the initiators of uqbar, a non-profit organisation for contemporary art and a project space where exhibitions, presentations, seminars, film screenings etc. take place regularly.
At the bildungswerk bbk berlin, Marina Sorbello offers workshops, consultations and coaching specifically for artists and creative professionals.

She will soon be holding her courses "Coach Dich Selbst" and "Mit Deinen eigenen Worten".